Changing the Default Format for Screenshots

In past OS versions, Apple has chosen to use different formats for the screenshots that are generated by typing “Command-Shift-3” or “Command-Shift-4”, such as .pict, .jpg, and .pdf. Since Tiger, they seem pretty content to stick .png.

If you had workflows in place that used the previous formats, one quick ‘n dirty method to address this on the front end, is to change the format from the command-line, by doing the following:

  • Open the Terminal application (/Applications/Utilities/
  • Type (or paste in from below):

defaults write type pdf  — (or jpg or tif or pict or whatever format you want, as long as it’s supported by

Next time you take a screenshot, verify that the global change (to the machine you did this on) took effect by:

  • Single-clicking on the icon of the screenshot (which will appear on your Desktop) with a filename that starts with the word, “Picture___”.
  • Get Info by selecting “File > Get Info”, or using the shortcut “Command-i”

The “Get Info” window opens, in the first section “General”, next to “Format”, check to see the format is now “Portable Document Format (PDF)”.

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