Author: Mike

Penn State’s Annual MacAdmin’s Tech Conference Approaching…

July 7 – 10, 2015. Stay tuned for updates!

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The Grateful Dead’s Farewell, 50th Anniversary Tour!

I’m not sure if it’s more accurate to say that the long, strange trip is finally over… or finally here! The weekend of July 3, 4 and 5 at Chicago’s Soldier Field will mark the tour commemorating the 50th anniversary

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Aristotle’s Definition of Happiness vs. Modern Western Culture.

  Being charged with the task of comparing and contrasting Aristotle’s definition of happiness—or virtue ethics, with those of present day western culture, has proven to be quite the roller-coaster ride, and challenging on several fronts. Among other things, these

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Exploring Alcoholism as a Disease: A Scientific Approach

  Exploring the Disease of Alcoholism: A Scientific Approach Michael Galke St. Joseph’s College   There are many more volatile topics in our present-day 2015 culture, than whether or not alcoholism is a disease. Despite its place in today’s dialogue

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Ethics and Passive Euthanasia

Ethics Case Study No. 2: Family Wishes and Patient Autonomy Of the four scenarios presented to us, the option of Family Wishes and Patient Autonomy piqued my interest for two reasons: (1) A remark made by Professor Michael Burke in one

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Critical Review: The Diving Bell & The Butterfly

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly is an undeniably compelling account of Jean-Dominique Bauby’s life before and after he was stricken with “Locked-in Syndrome” as the result of a severe stroke at age 43. Bauby takes us through this journey

Use ‘Secure Copy’ (scp) to Get or Push Files Remotely from Command-Line

FTP is perhaps the least secure means to transfer files over the Internet, so if you’re near a Unix terminal, fire it up and type: To get files from a remote machine to your local machine: scp <user@remote>:/path/to/file/file.ext  /local/path/file.ext  (replace <user@remote>

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Changing the Default Format for Screenshots

In past OS versions, Apple has chosen to use different formats for the screenshots that are generated by typing “Command-Shift-3” or “Command-Shift-4”, such as .pict, .jpg, and .pdf. Since Tiger, they seem pretty content to stick .png. If you had

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DNS ‘Flushcache’ Command Change in Leopard

  Prior to Leopard, if you wanted to clear out the DNS cache for web-paqe connectivity issues from the command-line, you’d type: lookupd -flushcache For whatever reason, beginning with Leopard, Apple has changed this command to: dscacheutil -flushcache

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Latency Issues Talking To Network Mounted Sharepoints

End-user was reporting his brand-new Intel MacPro was taking forever to transfer files (any files) to his particular mounted sharepoint on the company’s Xserve. After verifying the problem by reproducing it (the LAN in question was gigabit), but the throughput

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