Author: Mike

Essay on Musical Score & Composition for 2007 Movie “August Rush”

Director Kristen Sheridan does a superb job telling the story about the impact of music on an orphaned boy, and the family he never knew. The boy, 11-year old Evan Taylor, who eventually is given the name August Rush, exhibits

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Report of a Critique of a Jazz Concert

Michael Galke MUS-205 BAS01 Professor Leon Bernardyn May 15, 2017 Report on a Critique of a Jazz Concert I concede that I did not get to a jazz concert during this semester, which I genuinely regret. When I first saw

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Rest in Peace, Starman…

David Bowie (1947 – 2016) I often think that the word “cool” in the dictionary should have a picture of Neil Young. He has always been (for me) the personification of “cool”—as well as a huge influence on my guitar playing.

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From the Folks at Bad Lip Reading…

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Best New Thriller / Drama, “Mr. Robot” Season Finale This Wednesday

After learning that I’m an IT geek for a living, a good buddy of mine suggested I check out a show on USA Network—”Mr. Robot”. After watching the first episode (first season), I was hooked. It’s reached, and sustained, my “Top-5″ favorite

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An Open Letter to the Wilpons: Please Sell the Mets

I was 7-years old in 1969, when the underdog NY Mets won the first—of their only two—World Series. At the time, the owner of the NY Mets was Joan W. Payson. Ownership changed hands for the first time in the

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A Tribute to Jon Stewart

Back in my early twenties, I recall having a perhaps slightly ego-driven conversation with one of my best pals, about how ‘lean’ the state of comedy was at the time. We periodically discussed the state of comedy in the early-to-mid Eighties

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Obama’s Eulogy Today for Rev. Clementa Pickney

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Doubling-Down on “…It’s Heritage, Not Hate.”

Wow. The pace of progress since the tragedy in South Carolina has certainly taken me by surprise. If it’s taken me this much by surprise, it makes me wonder what kind of ideological whiplash those who would defend the proud display

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South Carolina Removes Confederate Flag From State Capitol

Bravo and kudos to those politicians who, in the face of certain dissent from some of their constituency, moved to finally take down one of this country’s most recognized symbols of bigotry and hatred, from one of our lowest low-points

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